Upgrading Account Plan Templates

Templates on the Account level can be upgraded to a newly created template while retaining selected data from existing Templates..


Example: Users are already working with a deployed template. Your organization plans to change, delete or add new data or events (e.g. scorecard questions, answers, scoring changes etc.).

With Template Upgrade, Organizations can now upgrade existing templates to include new Scorecard questions, Whitespace Product Lines and Metrics, while still keeping existing data that must live in the new Templates and existing Account Plans.

Before You Start - Important!


Data that needs to be retained in current Account Plans must be mapped to synchronize the newly upgraded template with the old template.

Failure to correctly map data will result in the loss of data!

We strongly recommend testing an upgrade of one test Account Plan to ensure your settings are correct and all data migrates successfully.

You will receive an email when the upgrade is complete.

Check that all data has migrated correctly.

Data that is lost cannot be recovered.

Upgrading a Template

  • Make sure the Target (new) Template is ready for upgrade and is in Active mode.

  • Go to Import / Export and select the Source (old) Template, and the Target (new) Template

  • Click the Upgrade button



Upgrade Process

Once you click the Upgrade button you will go through a setup process.

  1. Upgrade Steps

  2. Information panel for Source Template

    1. Displays information on the number of items in:

      1. Whitespace

        1. Product Lines

        2. Metrics

      2. Scorecard

        1. Categories

        2. Questions

  3. Information panel for Target Template

    1. Displays information on the number of items in:

      1. Whitespace

        1. Product Lines

        2. Metrics

      2. Scorecard

        1. Categories

        2. Questions

  4. Import existing mapping

    1. Imports an existing data migration map

Check to ensure that you have the correct templates for Source and Target templates.

1. Get Started

‘Get Started’ displays the selected Source Template and the selected Target Template, with the option to switch templates from Source<>Target.

  • Make sure the Source Template is the old template and the Target Template is the new template.

  • If you have already created and saved a data migration map for this source/target template combination, you may select the file to migrate the data.

  • Click Next


2. Whitespace

‘Whitespace’ displays Product Lines and Metrics that exist in the Source Template, and shows the Product Lines and Metrics that exist in the Target Template.        

  1. Items that are not identical are not paired.

    1. In this example, 3 Product Lines will be deleted and 3 will be added.

  2. Items that are identical are automatically paired.

Click Next


3. Scorecard

‘Scorecard’ displays data from the Source (old) Template Scorecard and from the Target (new) Template Scorecard


‘Scorecard’ displays data from the Source (old) Template Scorecard and from the Target (new) Template Scorecard

Identical Items are automatically paired.

Data from the Source (old) Template will be mapped, deleted or added to the Target (new) Template.

= Mapped: Will be upgraded in the Target Template

= Deleted: Not Mapped (Will be deleted and not added to the Target Template)

= Added: Will be added to the Target Template

= Will remain in the Target Template


Examples of Mapping:

  • In Example 1: The Target Template Scorecard Question was edited slightly.

    • The upgrade detected that the two items are not the same and automatically determined that the event in the Source Template should be deleted (x) and the new information in the Target Template will be added (+).

    • To map the question, click on N/A to open a mapping modal                             

The most likely available records are presented from which you will select the correct source Template Question to which you will map to the Target Question.



  • In Example 2, a new Question was added to the Target Template that did not exist in the Source Template. The + icon indicates this item will be added.

4. Finish

You are now ready to save your mapping and finish the upgrade process.

NOTE: It is recommended to save the mapping.

Saved Mapping will allow Users to deploy the latest version of an Account Plan Template when creating follow up Account Plans from older versions in one step. Without a data Map, a manual upgrade would be required.



  • Save Mapping - will download your mapping for future use. It is recommended to save your mapping before testing or upgrading.

  • Which Account Plan should be upgraded?

    • Select Single Account Plan - will upgrade only one Account Plan.

    • Import CSV with Account Plan records - Will expand the modal to

      • Select CSV file with Account Plan export

      • Opens filters to exclude Completed Plans or Plans created in a date range

    • All Account Plans with Source template - will upgrade all Account Plans with Source template.

  • Start Upgrade - initiates the upgrade process


  • When the upgrade is complete, you will get a screen confirmation. You will also receive an email.

  • For additional upgrades click Continue with upgrades and repeat the process.

  • If no further upgrades are needed, click the Or Close button