Relationships Settings

Relationships Settings

Under the Relationships tab are 4 subtabs that configure Stakeholders and their relationships: Options, Fields and Picklist Values, Misc.



Two-way Opportunity Contact Roles Sync

Enable this feature to allow ClosePlan to automatically create/delete/update Opportunity Contact Roles while managing Stakeholders.

If ClosePlan Stakeholders have the same Role definition as Opportunity Contact Roles (Recommended), the value will be synchronized when creating Stakeholders from Contact Roles or when Contact Roles are created/updated based on Stakeholder changes. 

Note: One Contact may represent more than 1 Stakeholder on different Opportunities or Account Maps (e.g. Budget Owner on one map, Champion on another, etc) Propagation to the contact does not happen. Doing so would mean that the Contact would be assigned one role across all instances.

=> If enabled, Contact Roles on the Opportunity will be propagated to the Role on the Stakeholders. 

  • Toggle the button to enable the function and click Save.

Prevent Duplicate Contacts when Creating Opportunity Contact Roles

Enable this feature to prevent Users/processes from creating Contact Roles associated with Contacts already referenced by other Contact Roles.
Note: This behavior will be enforced whether the Opportunity has a deployed ClosePlan or not.

Stakeholders Always On Map 

When enabled, all Stakeholders will be present on the Map surface and the 'Unmapped' list will be removed.

Note: Removing Stakeholders from the Map will behave the same as if deleted from the Map: Stakeholders will be removed from the Relationship map.

  • Toggle the button to enable the function and Save.

    If disabled: Unmapped Stakeholders are found under the Stakeholders tab.


         If enabled: All Stakeholders are always on the map.
         If a Stakeholder is removed, they will be deleted from the map and moved to the Contact tab list.




Hide Stakeholder "Covered by" tab

When enabled, the Covered by functionality from the Stakeholder detail window and map node will be hidden

  • Toggle the button to enable the function and Save.

    If enabled:

Hide Goal Field

When enabled, the Goal feature will be hidden




Social Fields

Add specific contact fields to the Stakeholder detail/edit forms.

  • From Available Fields select the desired field and move to Selected Fields viabutton > reorder if needed > click Save Fields






Additional Contact Fields

Add specific additional contact fields to the Stakeholder detail/edit forms.

  • From Available Fields select the desired field and move to Selected Fields viabutton > reorder if needed > click Save Fields

Stakeholder Contact Field Replacement

This feature substitutes a ClosePlan field with a custom field.

  • There are 4 default ClosePlan fields that can be replaced by custom fields: Title, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter

  • To replace a default ClosePlan field, a custom field with the correct value must be selected. 

    • Select your custom field and click Save Fields

To create a custom field:

  • Go to Setup > Objects and FieldsObject Manager > select Contact > click Fields & Relationships

  • Click New > select Data Type (for Title field select Text data type, for other fields - URL type)

  • Enter all requested data > click Next > and Save

    ClosePlan Fields:                                                                               Custom Fields:



Make sure that mapped fields are able to receive the intended values properly. Options like max. length, picklist values, etc. should match the ClosePlan definition of the Stakeholder object.

If you are not sure, ask your System Administrator for assistance or send an email to support@people.ai

Picklist Values

Contains customizable Picklist Values and is set as a part of the ClosePlan package.

The ClosePlan package contains 4 default Picklists. There are 2 additional Picklists that can be customized for a max 6 Picklists.

Picklist Values are unique to each Org, so your settings will likely be different from what is shown. The image below is an example.

Picklist Values are:

  • Decision Status

  • Relationship

  • Role

  • Support Status

  • Custom Picklist - In this example, 'Status 1' (This Picklist is an Optional User created customized Picklist)

  • Custom Picklist - In this example, 'Status 2' (This Picklist is an Optional User created customized Picklist)

Picklists can be renamed by clicking Manage in the top right corner.

Optional Custom Picklists can be activated by clicking Manage in the top right corner.

Picklist Values can be renamed, reordered, added or deleted. Changes should be completed before using ClosePlan.

Picklists are found on the CP: Account Map Node Object.


Changes must be saved by clicking on the Save Changes button!


Find the Contact Roles

How to find the Contact Roles set in your organization?

  • Go to Setup

  • In the Quick Find box, enter Contact Roles on Opportunities and open it. 


Changes in Picklist Values will change the configuration in your administration Setup in Salesforce.

Any changes you want to make to Picklist Value must be made in the ClosePlan Application, not in Salesforce!


Picklist Values:

  • Default: Selecting a default option will automatically pre-select the default option when a User creates a new record. Only one default value is allowed. 

  • Color:  Color used for presentation purposes in the Stakeholder Overview and in nodes


Edit Picklist Values

Rename Picklists

  • Go to ClosePlan Admin > Environment > Relationships > Picklist Values and click the Manage button in the top right




  • In the Modal, click Edit


  1. Reorder - Will change the order of appearance in the Stakeholder Picklists on the Admin page and also on the Stakeholder Card and Stakeholder Overview modal.

  2. Enable the Picklist - If enabled, the Picklist will appear in the Stakeholder information. If disabled, the Picklist will not appear.






  3. Letter - Letter will appear on the Stakeholder Map Card

  4. Label - Name of the Picklist

  5. Show On Card -

    1. If activated will display on the Stakeholder Map Card, CP Admin Picklists, Stakeholder list and Stakeholder overview modal

    2. If deactivated, will not display on Stakeholder Map Card, but will display on CP Admin Picklists, Stakeholder list and Stakeholder overview modal

  • Click Save Changes to save all changes

Replace Values

Replace the values for the individual Picklists

  • Go to ClosePlan Admin > Environment > Relationships > Picklist Values and click the Replace Values button in the top right

In the modal, select the values.

  • Field

    • Select the Picklist in which you want to make changes

  • Value to Replace

    • Select or type in the Value you want to replace

  • Replace With

    • Select the value that will replace the previous value


Sample Decision Status Picklist:


  • Click Replace Values

  • In the modal, enter the values:

  • Click Submit



Add a new Value to a Picklist

  • Click the Edit button in a Picklist

  • Options:

  1. Add Value - Add a value to the Picklist

  2. Reorder - Reorder the Picklist

  3. Label - Value that will be displayed on the Picklist

  4. API - API name for the value

  5. Default - Indicates the default answer. Like Highlander, there can be only one.

  6. Color - Assign a color to the Picklist Value

  7. Delete - Delete the Picklist value.

  • Click Save to save all changes

Add a Custom Picklist Status

Configure a Custom Picklist based on your Organization's needs.

  • 2 Custom Picklists can be added



To Create a Custom Picklist:

  • Click on the Manage button in the top right

  • In the modal, click Edit

  • Select Enable

    • Enable - Toggle to have the Custom Picklist appear on the Stakeholder Overview

    • Letter - Select a Letter to display on the Stakeholder Tile on the Map

    • Label - Name of the Custom Picklist

    • Show on Card - Toggle to have the single letter icon for the Custom Picklist appear on the Stakeholder Tile on the Map


Example of the Stakeholder Tile showing 2 Custom Picklists

  • Click Save Changes



Account Map Name Presets

Assign Map Name Presets for Account Maps

Click Add New to add new values

Click Save Presets to save values



When creating a new Account Map, the presets are automatically presented to Users:


Additional Settings: 

Prevent Users from renaming the Account Maps and provide an option to select predefined names

When a Account Map is created, by default the User creates a name for that Map. ClosePlan provides the ability restrict this behavior and to provide a list of predefined Account Map names. 

  • Go to Setup > Custom Metadata Types and open CP Definition

  • Click Manage CP Definitions button and click New

  • For Label and CP Definition Name enter: OBJECT_ACCOUNT_MAP

  • Select Active

  • For Value enter the desired values that the User will have the option to select (for example Global, EMEA, APAC) and click Save

    Example: { "namePresets": [ "Global", "EMEA", "APAC" ] }



         The UI result:










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