Relationship Maps
- 1 Overview
- 2 Accessing Relationship Maps
- 3 Creating an Account Level Map
- 4 Opening a Relationship Map
- 5 Stakeholders
- 6 Groups
- 7 Relationship Lines
- 8 Preview
- 9 Export Map
- 10 Import or Merge an Account or Opportunity Map, or Sync with Opportunity Contact Roles
- 10.1 Vocabulary:
- 10.2 Import Account Map, Import Opportunity Map or Sync with Opportunity Contact Roles
- 10.2.1 Overview
- 10.2.2 Import Account Map
- 10.2.3 Import Opportunity Map
- 10.3 Merging Account or Opportunity Maps
- 10.3.1 Overview
- 10.3.2 Map Merging Scenarios
- General
- Scenario 1: Account Map to Account Map
- Scenario 2: Opportunity Map to Account Map
- Scenario 3: Account Map to Opportunity Map
- Scenario 4: Opportunity Map to Opportunity Map
- 10.4 Issues when Merging Maps:
- 10.4.1 Cyclic Relationship
- 10.4.2 Be Careful
- 10.5 Show Submap Stakeholders
- 10.6 Sync with Opportunity Contact Roles (Opportunity Maps)
ClosePlan Relationship Maps enable you to quickly and easily create Relationship Maps natively in Salesforce with easy to use drag and drop functionality.
Identify the people that matter and visualize the buyer’s organization so you can build relationships with the right people, and increase your win rate.
Key aspects:
Assign business role and decision-making status for each stakeholder.
Understand stakeholder coverage by quantifying the relationship status.
Add influence lines, conflict lines and informal reporting lines to better understand the organizational power structure.
Provide additional details for each stakeholder’s background along with goals to add context to your conversations.
Create Relationship Maps on both the Account and Opportunity levels.
Export Relationship Maps as images or PDF to share in meetings or presentations.
Accessing Relationship Maps
You can access Relationship Maps in different ways based on your configuration. See the general accessibility description here.
Note: Opportunity level mapping requires creation of a ClosePlan. See how to create a ClosePlan here.
Account Level Map
Navigate to 'Relationships' under any Account:
To start using Account level Maps, create a new map inside the Account Map list.
A list of current Account Level Maps is presented in a table format.
To open the map, click on the Map Name.
Layout & Navigation
Access to Account and Opportunity level map list related to the Account
+ Add - Creates a new Account level Relationship Map
Access to Organigram
Clears filters, toggles to full screen or exports list as XLS
Refreshes the map list
Click on the column header object (Name, Primary,..) to rearrange the data
Applies Filters - set, apply or clear filters
Shows number of Stakeholders in the map
Edits map name and sets map as Primary or Deployed
Deletes the map
Opportunity Level Map
Navigate to 'Relationships' under any existing Opportunity:
In order to start using Opportunity Maps, a ClosePlan must be deployed.
A list of current Stakeholders is presented in a table format.
Stakeholders can be manipulated in the table view.
To graphically display the map for drag and drop capability, click on the icon.
Layout & Navigation
+ Add Add a contact to the Opportunity Stakeholder List
Display the map for drag and drop functionality
Import Data or Delete All Records
Shows % progress of Stakeholders Role Goals
# of Economic Buyers present / goal
# of Procurement Stakeholders present / goal
Click on the column header object (Name, Reports To, etc..) to rearrange the data
Click on Name to open Stakeholder Overview
Inline editing for key attributes
Edit Stakeholder
Delete Stakeholder
Differences between Account and Opportunity level Maps
Relationship Mapping is available on both the Account and Opportunity level, however there are a few differences.
Accounts can have multiple maps, Opportunities can have only one map.
Account Maps: Maps of individual business units inside the target organization (e.g. Legal, Procurement, etc.)
Opportunity Maps: Maps of individual Opportunities associated with the account
Multiple Account Maps can be associated with a single Account
Each Opportunity can have only one Map
Account level Map menu provides access to the auto generated Organigram.
The Organigram displays a Relationship Map based on the 'Reports to' field in Account related Contacts.
Changing a 'Reports to' hierarchy on the Organigram will change the 'Reports to' field in the Salesforce Contact.
Creating an Account Level Map
Click + Add button
Enter map Name, select Primary or Deployed and Save.
Primary: Makes the map the Account's primary map. Each account may have only one primary map.
Note: Selecting Primary will override the current primary map. Primary map cannot be imported into other map or added as Submap.Deployed: Makes the map generally available.
Note: Deployed maps can be imported into other map or added as a Submap.
Click the Save button.
You will be redirected to the mapping tool once the record is saved.
Name the Map
Assign Owner for the Map (required)
Ownership of a Map can be reassigned to another User by clicking on the edit icon in the Map List
Select Primary if it is the Account’s Primary Map
Select Deployed if the Map should be available for import to other Maps
When naming an Account Map, Users may be presented with pnreset naming conventions as determined by Admins.
Your Organization preset suggested naming conventions are unique
Select the preset and adjust the name as needed
Note on Account Map Display
In the Account Map list, the dropdown can show both Account and Opportunity Maps
Displaying Account Maps allows the User to create Account Maps from the panel by clicking the '+ Add' button
Displaying Opportunity Maps does not allow Users to create Opportunity Maps from the panel and the '+ Add' button is hidden. (Opportunity Maps are created in the Opportunities.)
Opportunity - Name of the Opportunity
Template - ClosePlan Template used on the Opportunity
Map - Click to open the Opportunity Map
Stakeholders (
) - Displays the # of Stakeholders on the Map
Role Goal (
) - Displays the Role Goal %
Close Date - Date Opportunity is scheduled to close
Created Date - Date Opportunity was created
Organigram - Click to display Organigram
Opening a Relationship Map
Note: In Salesforce Classic, Maps are opened in a new window due to limited space inside the Record Layout
Account Level
Navigate to an Account and select the Relationships tab.
Click on the map Name to open the map
Opportunity Level
From any existing Opportunity, select the Relationships tab
Click the Mapper button
Relationship Map Layout & Navigation
The following provides an overview of the Relationship Map components.
Account Name - Shows the related Account.
Map / Opportunity Name - Shows the Opportunity name.
Map Node - Visually represents a Stakeholder in the map and is the junction between Salesforce Contacts and your Opportunity or Account.
Group Icon- Stakeholders under this icon are all part of the same group.
Influence Line - Indicates positive influence.
Notes Icon - Is displayed if there is an added comment.
Dotted Line - Indicates informal / other relationship.
Submap Node - Indicates an imported submap.
Conflict Line - Indicates conflict.
Unknown Contact Node - Indicates a contact whose identity is unknown. (Also referred to as a 'Ghost' contact)
Close - Will close the Mapper and takes Users back to Relationship Map overview, either on the Account or the Opportunity level.
Contacts & Stakeholders - Shows all available contacts from the account, can include contacts from the Account/Opportunity or from across your organization. Enables Users to create a new Stakeholder from these Contacts, and locates Stakeholders deployed on the map.
View/Add Submaps - Shows all available submaps that can be added to the map.
Import Map - Imports an existing map from the Account level, from another Opportunity, or from Contact Roles on the Opportunity Level. If a Map already exists, importing a new Map will replace it.
Export Map - Exports the Map. Account Level maps are exported as a .png image. Opportunity Level maps can be exported as a PDF or as a .png image.
Share Map - Share the Map with Opportunity Team Members
Map Options - Allows you to:
Hide relationship lines and flags
Disable toolbar tool tips
Delete all nodes from the canvas
Help - Contains help links to watch our videos, read the User Guide, submit a support request, send us feedback/product suggestions or to contact us.
Switch to Preview - Preview your map in read-only mode - Preview mode expands all submaps so the entire structure with all Stakeholders is shown. Submaps are not editable in this view.
Fit to screen - Sizes entire map to fit screen
Zoom In & Zoom Out - Zoom in or out on the map
Stakeholders are the individual Contacts on the Account or Opportunity level.
Stakeholders are bound to Salesforce contacts. Each Stakeholder contains relevant information related to the Account and to the Opportunity.
Stakeholder Overview Layout & Navigation
The following describes the relevant components and related navigation.
Contact Photo - Upload/change/delete a photo or url link.
Stakeholder Name - Opens a new window with contact information.
Title - Title
Company - Account Name / Company Name
Address - Opens the location in google maps.
Edit - Edit Stakeholder information. (See Edit Stakeholder section below)
Delete - Delete Stakeholder.
Role - Indicates the Stakeholder's role in the buying process.
Decision Status - Indicates the Stakeholder's status in the decision making process.
Relationship - Indicates the depth of the relationship.
Role - Indicates the Stakeholder's role in the buying process.
Support Status - Indicates the depth of relationships between Stakeholders.
Custom Status - Custom Status that can be created in your Org
Custom Status - Custom Status that can be created in your Org
Dashboard - Overview of Stakeholder information driven by the App
Engagement Tab - Engagement information driven by the App (See image below)
Connections Tab - Connection information driven by the App (See image below)
Opportunities Tab - Opportunities information driven by the App (See image below)
Details Tab - Display Stakeholder information. (See image below)
Tasks Tab - View and add/edit tasks (See image below)
Engagement Tab
Connections Tab
Opportunities Tab
Details Tab
About - Stakeholder information
Contacts - Key Stakeholder contact attributes.
Additional Contact Fields - Displays additional Stakeholder attributes provided by your organization
Notes - Add relevant notes about the Stakeholder.
Covered By - Indicates the person from your organization responsible for this stakeholder.
Note: The 'Covered By' tab is only visible on Opportunity level Relationship Maps. If this field is not displayed, it has been disabled in the Admin Settings.
Tasks Tab
Edit Stakeholder
Edit Stakeholder information from 2 locations:
Double click on the Stakeholder Tile on the map > Click the Edit icon on the Stakeholder Overview
Click the Edit Icon on the Stakeholder List under the Relationships tab
Edit Stakeholder Sidebar:
Creating, Adding and Importing Stakeholders
A Stakeholder can be added from:
Stakeholder List on the Opportunity Level
Relationships Map on the Account and Opportunity Level
A Stakeholder can be created:
From Existing Contacts
By creating a New Contact
By creating an Unknown Contact (Ghost Contact)
A Stakeholder can be imported:
From an existing Account or Opportunity Map
From Contact Roles on the Opportunity
Opportunity Map Stakeholder List
Creating / Adding a New Stakeholder:
Click the +Add button
Select one of the options:
New contact: Creates a Stakeholder along with the new Contact
Click New Contact > a New Contact modal window with relevant Salesforce layout settings in your organization will appear > complete the information and Save.
Existing Contact: Creates a Stakeholder based on an existing Contact. To browse all existing Contacts, select the option All Contacts.
Select the contact > fill information > Save.
Unknown Contact: will create Stakeholder without an associated Contact.
If the identity of a relevant person is unknown, you can create this 'Ghost Contact' > complete the relevant information and Save.
Unknown Contacts can be converted to a regular Contact when their identity is known.
Import Stakeholders - Map:
You can also add Stakeholders from an existing map, from the Account, from another Opportunity or from Contacts Roles.
Click on " ... " button > Import Data.
Pick From Account or From Opportunity > select your map and click Import. Stakeholders will be added into the Stakeholder List.
Pick Sync with Opportunity Contacts Roles and click Import. Stakeholders will be added into the Stakeholder List.
Note: Imported Maps will remove and replace existing Maps.
Opportunity Relationships Map
Create a New Stakeholder:
Click the icon in the top right of a Relationships Map > a slide-panel will open
New Stakeholders can be created by selecting:
New contact: Creates a Stakeholder along with the new Contact
Click New Contact > a New Contact modal window will appear > complete the information and Save.
Unknown Contact: Creates a Stakeholder without an associated Contact.
Unknown Contacts can be converted to a Contact when their identity is known.
New Group: will create a Group Folder.
Add a Stakeholder to the Map directly from Available Contacts:
Add existing Contacts to the Map in one of the following ways:
Click on the
to add the Contact to the Map surface.
The newly created Stakeholder will automatically be added onto the Relationship Map.
Contacts: Dropdown menu sorts existing Contacts by:
All Contacts in Current Account
Shows Contacts from the Account to which the Map is associated
All Contacts in Included Accounts
Shows Contacts from Accounts referenced by existing Stakeholders
All Contacts
Shows Contacts from all Accounts
Stakeholders:Dropdown menu sorts existing Stakeholders by:
All Stakeholders
Shows mapped and unmapped Stakeholders
Mapped Stakeholders only
Shows mapped Stakeholders only
Unmapped Stakeholders only
Shows unmapped Stakeholders only
Groups: Browse and select from the list of existing Groups
Drag the Contact, Stakeholder or Group onto the Map surface
To locate the Stakeholder in the map click in the Contact node
Import Stakeholders - Map
You can import Stakeholders from an existing map. (To do this, see the description in the section #ImportingMap below)
Add picture to the Stakeholder
Open a Stakeholder
Hover over the picture icon and click Change Photo
To upload picture from your device: Click Upload Files > select your picture and click Use Uploaded File button to save it.
To upload picture from the picture URL address: Paste the picture Url into the field and click Use Custom Url button to save it.
Mapping available Stakeholders
Stakeholders can be moved onto the canvas:
Automatically when you create a Stakeholder - Contacts and Stakeholders icon
By dragging a Stakeholder, and releasing it over an existing stakeholder, you create a subordinate 'reports to' relationship.
Adding a Contact from Contacts & Stakeholders side-panel- from Create a new Contact, from existing Contact or Create an Unknown Contact:
Click the
Select one the of options > fill information and Save.
The newly created Stakeholder will automatically be added onto the canvas
Adding from Contacts & Stakeholders side-panel - from Existing Contact:
Click the
Find your contact, click on the
in the Contact node or drag the contact to the canvas.
To build a tree or add Stakeholder to the tree drop the new Stakeholder on top of an existing Stakeholder
The same method is used to add existing Stakeholders and Groups
Filtering Stakeholders on the Map
Use advanced filtering to find Stakeholders on the map by searching for any Picklist Value
Click on the green + button
on the right side menu
Click Stakeholders > click the filter button
Select the needed filters and click Apply
Map Node
The Map Node shows Stakeholder information and contains the Stakeholder palette. When you click on the node, the Stakeholder tab will open.
All Maps Nodes can be deleted by clicking the icon and clicking Delete all Stakeholders.
Name - Stakeholder's name.
Title - Stakeholder's position
Role - Role played (e.g. Budget Owner, Project Owner)
Map Node Palette Menu - Opens and closes the palette menu. Contains additional Node functions
Email - Indicates that email information is present. Click on this icon to send an email.
Phone Number - Indicates that a Phone number is present
LinkedIn - Indicates that a LinkedIn profile is present. Click on this icon to open their LinkedIn profile.
Twitter - Indicates that a Twitter profile is present. Click on this icon to open their Twitter profile.
Facebook - Indicates that a Facebook profile is present. Click on this icon to open their Facebook profile.
Covered by Flag - Indicates who is responsible for the relationship. Available only on the Opportunity level. This feature can be disabled from ClosePlan Admin tab settings.
Support Status Flag- Shows the Role Status Flag. Hover over the button to see inline text. This feature can be disabled from ClosePlan Admin tab settings.
Support Status Flag - Shows the support status. Hover over the button to see inline text. This feature can be disabled from ClosePlan Admin tab settings.
Relationship Status Flag - Shows the Relationship. Hover over the button to see inline text. This feature can be disabled from ClosePlan Admin tab settings.
Decision Status Flag - Shows the decision making status. Hover over the button to see inline text. This feature can be disabled from ClosePlan Admin tab settings.
Map Node Pallet Menu
Sets relationship lines between Stakeholders, adds importance, moves the map node to the left or right, and can remove the Stakeholder (back to Available Stakeholders icon).
Click to open the pallet, click to close it.
Relationship Line - Draws a dotted line to establish an informal relationship line to another Stakeholder. Includes the ability to comment in-line to explain the relationship.
Influence - Draws a positive influence relationship line to another Stakeholder. Includes the ability to comment in-line to explain the relationship.
Conflict - Adds a conflict relationship line to another Stakeholder. Includes the ability to comment in-line to explain the relationship.
Move Right - Shifts Stakeholder and map tree to the right.
Move Left - Shifts Stakeholder and map tree to the left.
Color - Add a color to the top bar on the Contact Node
Power - Indicates Stakeholders importance - click on the icon to add the power shield.
Remove - Removes Stakeholder to the unmapped list or to the contacts list depending on your organizations settings. To delete Stakeholder entirely, go to Stakeholder Overview.
Grouping Stakeholders enables Stakeholders to be mapped under a specific grouping, and also allows users to add another grouping into an existing grouping.
Open Contacts and Stakeholders icon
Click on New Group
Enter the name of the group
To select icon for your group click on Change Icon
Select icon or search your icon from the search hundreds of icons window and Save
Users can select the color and/or add a description
Click Save
Group will be automatically added to the map
To move the group right or left, open the group palette menu
To move the group into the Stakeholder (Group) tree simply drag the group icon and drop on it onto a Stakeholder or another Group
Relationship Lines
Connects Stakeholders with lines showing the relationship between them. There are 3 Relationship Line options: Relation, Conflict or Influence
Notes can be added to Relationship Lines to add insight into the relationship.
Adding Lines
Click the Pallet menu icon on the Stakeholder
Click on desired relationship line icon > drag and drop the line to another Stakeholder.
Adding and Deleting Line Notes
Click on the line > add your notes and Save.
To edit or delete notes, click on the desired line or notes icon
> edit or delete your text and Save.
Note: if you click the icon, the Relationship Line will be deleted.
Deleting Lines
Click the desired line > click the icon and Confirm.
Hide or display existing Lines and Flags
Hiding or displaying existing Lines and Flags is done from the main relationships map page.
Click the icon on the right side of the Map surface
Toggle to display or hide lines or flags
Note: Deselecting individual flags from the Stakeholder node must be done from the ClosePlan Admin tab > Environment > Relationships > Fields
The Preview icon displays the map in preview mode.
In Preview mode, all Submaps are fully displayed so that all Stakeholders are shown.
In Preview mode, you can hide or add existing relationship lines and flags.
From the Preview mode, you can export the map as a .png image on the Account Level and as a .png image or PDF on the Opportunity Level.
Click icon to see preview mode
to export the map
Click icon to display or hide lines and flags
icon for help
Click icon to return to the edit mode
Export Map
On the Account Level, the Relationship Map can be exported as a .png image from the main relationship map page or from the preview page.
On the Opportunity Level, the Relationship Map can be exported as a .png image or as a PDF Summary from the main relationship map page, or from the preview page.
Note: If your Relationship Map contains a submap(s) and you want to export all maps with all stakeholders displayed, you must export from the preview page.
Click the icon to export from the main Relationships map.
Click the icon > click the icon to export from preview page to show all maps.
You can deselect view options for the export
Click > Export Summary PDF to export the Opportunity Relationship report as a PDF
Click > Export Image to export map as a .png image
Example of an Opportunity Relationship Report via PDF Summary export:
Import or Merge an Account or Opportunity Map, or Sync with Opportunity Contact Roles
You can import an existing map as well as Sync Opportunity Contact Roles into your Relationship Map.
If you Import a new Map into an existing Map populated with Stakeholders, the existing data (Stakeholders) will be removed and replaced.
If you Merge a new Map with an existing Map populated with Stakeholders, the existing data (Stakeholders) will remain on the Map, but relationships may be altered.
Target Map: The Target Map is the Map into which the Source Map is placed. The Target Map can be an Account Map or an Opportunity Map
Source Map: The Source Map is the Map that will be merged into the Target Map. The Source Map can be an Account Map or an Opportunity Map
Contact: The individuals associated with your accounts.
Stakeholder: Stakeholders are the individual Contacts on the Account or Opportunity level. Stakeholders are bound to Salesforce contacts. Each Stakeholder contains relevant information related to the Account and to the Opportunity.
Account Map: A ClosePlan Map that is associated with an Account. Accounts may have more than one Map.
Opportunity Map: A ClosePlan Opportunity Map that is associated with an Opportunity. Each Opportunity may have only one Map.
Node: Represents a Contact on the Map surface. The Node contains the basic Contact information and other specific features.
Import Account Map, Import Opportunity Map or Sync with Opportunity Contact Roles
Importing Maps is the process of replacing the contents of a Target Map with the content of the Source Map.
The process begins with a Target Map.
A Source Map is then selected.
The contents of the Source Map merges with or replaces the content of the Target Map.
Please read the following to get a better understanding of the Import Maps feature.
Click the icon
Select from Import Account Map, Import Opportunity Map or Sync with Opportunity Contact Roles
Import Account Map
To import an Account Map, select from where you will import the Map:
Current Account - Select Account Maps from the Current Account
Account Hierarchy - Select the Map from Account Hierarchy
All Accounts - Select a Map from any Account
Note: Any Selected Map can be placed into the target map as a new Group. Influence lines may be displayed or hidden.
Select an Account Map
Choose to Replace Map or Merge Maps
Replace Map: The current Map will be REMOVED AND REPLACED with the selected Map - Be SURE of your decision.
Merge Map: The current Map will be merged with the selected Map and will retain all Stakeholders from both Maps.
The structure may be affected and duplicates may appear based on Stakeholders in the Maps.
Please, import responsibly.
Import Opportunity Map
To import an Opportunity Map,select from the list:
Choose to Replace Map or Merge Maps
Replace Map: The current Map will be REMOVED AND REPLACED with the selected Map - Be SURE of your decision
Merge Map: The current Map will be merged with the selected Map and will retain all Stakeholders from both Maps.
The structure may be affected and duplicates may appear based on Stakeholders in the Maps.
Please, import responsibly.
Merging Account or Opportunity Maps
Merging Maps is the process of joining two different Maps into one Map.
The process begins with a Target Map.
A Source Map is then selected.
The contents of the Source Map are added to the Target Map.
This merging process may create conflicts or anomalies, and so some conditions will apply to this process.
Please read the following to get a better understanding of the Merge Maps feature.
Map Merging Scenarios
As a general example, the below shows a Source Opportunity Map merged to Target Opportunity Map
Target Map is open
Click ‘Import Map Icon’
Select Source Map
Select ‘Marge Map’
Target Map: GenePoint Opp 2
Source Map: GenePoint Opp 1
Map features such as hierarchies, influence lines and relationship lines will be preserved when possible, though some alterations may occur.
Please review the merged Map to ensure it is complete and correct.
Scenario 1: Account Map to Account Map
A Source Account Map is merged into a Target Account Map.
If the Source Map contains nodes that are not present in the Target Map, those nodes will be added to the Target Map.
If the Source Map nodes are the same as nodes on the Target Map, the merge will overwrite all the attributes of the node on the Target Map EXCEPT the Role
Scenario 2: Opportunity Map to Account Map
A Source Opportunity Map is merged into a Target Account Map.
If the Source Map contains nodes that are not present in the Target Map, those nodes will be added to the Target Map.
If the Source Map nodes are the same as nodes on the Target Map, the merge will overwrite all the attributes of the node on the Target Map EXCEPT the Role
Scenario 3: Account Map to Opportunity Map
In this scenario we are merging Account relationship Map (source) to Opportunity relationship Map (target).
If the Source Map contains nodes that are not present in the Target Map, those nodes will be added to the Target Map.
If the Source Map nodes are the same as nodes on the Target Map, the merge will overwrite all the attributes of the node on the Target Map EXCEPT the Role
Scenario 4: Opportunity Map to Opportunity Map
In this scenario we are merging Opportunity relationship Map (source) to another Opportunity relationship Map (target).
If the Source Map contains nodes that are not present in the Target Map, those nodes will be added to the Target Map.
If the Source Map nodes are the same as nodes on the Target Map, the merge will overwrite all the attributes of the node on the Target Map EXCEPT the Role
Issues when Merging Maps:
Cyclic Relationship
Existing nodes in Maps are not deleted during the merging process. This may lead to a situation where node A reports to Node B in the Target Map, and Node B reports to Node A in Source Map (or vice-versa).
The Merge process will not permit this looping ‘cyclic’ hierarchy.
In this case, the hierarchical relationship found in the Source Map will take precedence.
Be Careful
Merged mapping cannot be automatically undone. When the User completes the command by clicking ‘Confirm’ the Target Map will be merged with the Source Map.
If you have any doubts about the correct course of action, consider your actions carefully.
IF you merge a map and need to undo, it will be a manual process of deleting added Stakeholders and returning Stakeholder Attributes on the Target Map to their original settings.
Difficult, but not impossible.
Please, merge responsibly.
Show Submap Stakeholders
To show the submap´s Stakeholders, open the submap in another window, or view the map in Preview mode via the Preview icon .
To view and edit the submap click . The map will open in a new tab.
To view the Stakeholders in a submap within the whole map, click the Preview icon.
Editing the submap is not possible from the Preview.
Standard view of a Map with a submap:
Map in preview view displaying the stakeholders in the submap. (indicated by the green border):
Sync with Opportunity Contact Roles (Opportunity Maps)
Sync existing Opportunity Contact Roles or import any missing Opportunity Contact Roles into an Opportunity Map
From an Opportunity Map, click on the Import Map icon
Select Sync with Opportunity Contact Roles
Click on Sync with OCRs to start the Process
Use Opportunity Contact Role Sync if you want to:
Create Stakeholders based on Opportunity Contact Roles which are not yet present
Update existing Stakeholders based on related OCR data