ClosePlan Permission Sets

ClosePlan Permission Sets

ClosePlan Permission Sets are distributed automatically when a User is assigned a ClosePlan License in the ClosePlan User Manager.

ClosePlan Permission Sets are:

  • ClosePlan: Sales Cloud User

  • ClosePlan: Sales Cloud Aux

  • ClosePlan: Service Cloud User

  • ClosePlan: Service Cloud Aux

  • ClosePlan: Platform User

  • ClosePlan: Platform Aux

  • ClosePlan: Admin User

  • NOTE: Available permission sets may differ based on Salesforce Licenses and ClosePlan configuration.

Permission Sets can be divided into the following groups:

Managed Permission Sets

Managed Permission Sets are shipped with the app (ie: SalesCouldUser. permission set)

  1. Provide Field Level Permissions (FLS) for ClosePlan Objects

  2. Provide CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) permissions for most ClosePlan Objects

    1. Permission for objects with Master-Detail connection to standard SFDC objects like Opportunity, cannot be packaged (SFDC policy) (See Auxiliary Permission Sets)

Auxiliary Permission Sets:

Auxiliary Permission Sets are created in Subscriber orgs through CP Admin (after-install steps; ie: SalesCouldAux)

  1. Provide CRUD permissions for ClosePlan Objects which cannot be packaged in the Managed Permission Sets.

  2. Can also provide some additional field level permissions for fields created ad-hoc in your Organization.

    1. Example: Whitespace Custom Attributes.

Permissions are also divided per SFDC License:

As different Licenses provide access to different sets of objects (e.g.: Platform has only basic CRM objects, while Sales Cloud also has Opportunities.)

  • Sales Cloud - Permissions linked with Salesforce Sales Cloud License

  • Service Cloud - Permissions linked with Salesforce Service Cloud License

  • Platform - Permissions linked with Salesforce Platform License

  • Standalone Admin User permission set - can be assigned to Users with any SFDC License

ClosePlan User Management:

  • Correct permission sets are assigned to users automatically when a ClosePlan License is assigned

  • ClosePlan Permission Sets are automatically removed if the ClosePlan license is deactivated or if the User is deactivated.


  • ClosePlan Permission sets provide access to ClosePlan Objects only.

  • ClosePlan Permission sets do NOT provide access to Standard Objects (Account, Opportunity)

  • ClosePlan Admin Users require certain Salesforce permissions in order to do certain actions such as:

    • Manage users in CP Admin - requires at least Manage Permissions Sets permission

    • Create ClosePlan fields, Manage picklist values, etc - requires Customize App permission - aka System Admin profile.