The Positive Business Outcome Dashboard
- 1 Overview
- 2 Create the Positive Business Outcome Dashboard
- 2.1 Items to create:
- 3 The Reports
- 3.1 Report 1: Average Revenue by ClosePlan
- 3.2 Report 2: Average Revenue by FY
- 3.3 Report 3: ClosePlan Adoption by FY
- 3.4 Report 4: Win Rates
- 3.5 Report 5: Win Rates by ClosePlan
- 3.6 Important Notes on Report Creation
- 3.6.1 Notes on Components
- 3.7 Create Bucket Column
- 3.8 Create Summary Field
- 3.8.1 ClosePlan Adoption (%)
- 3.8.2 Win Rate
- 4 Positive Business Outcome Dashboard included in the ClosePlan Package
- 4.1 Overview
- 4.2 Components
- 4.2.1 Are Win Rates Correlated to ClosePlan Adoption?
- 4.2.2 Are Win Rates Correlated to ClosePlan Completion?
- 4.2.3 Do Opportunities with ClosePlan Win More Often?
- 4.2.4 Are we seeing higher Revenue deals with ClosePlan?
- 4.2.5 Do Opportunities with ClosePlan Win More Often?
- 4.2.6 Deal Size
- 4.2.7 Is ClosePlan attributed to Closed Won Opportunities?
- 4.2.8 What Percent of Opportunities are using ClosePlan?
- 4.3 Add Optional Filters to the Dashboard
- 4.3.1 Revenue Filter
- 4.4 Troubleshooting
- 4.4.1 Unable to view Dashboard
The purpose of the Positive Business Outcome Dashboard is to provide CS and Sales teams with a measurable, comparative tool that can help Client Organizations realize the positive impact of ClosePlan on their Sales efforts.
Each Client Org may have different fields measuring things such as Amount and Expected Revenue.
A System Administrator should review the Dashboard and Reports to ensure they are surfacing the correct data.
Suggestion: CS Managers should check the Dashboard components with the Client to ensure that the underlying Reports are working and delivering usable information to Clients.
Check the Dashboard Filters and Dashboard Layout.
Create the Positive Business Outcome Dashboard
This section will walk you through the steps to build a Positive Business Outcome Dashboard (PBO) based on 5 reports, presented in 8 components.
This Documentation guides the User to create a Positive Business Outcome Dashboard (PBO Dashboard)
The PBO Dashboard is included in the ClosePlan Package installation, so check the Org for:
The ClosePlan Package Reports folder that contains the following 5 Reports:
Average Revenue by ClosePlan
Average Revenue by FY
ClosePlan Adoption by FY
Win Rates
Win Rates by ClosePlan
The ClosePlan Package Dashboard folder that contains the following Dashboard:
ClosePlan - Positive Business Outcomes Dashboard
IF the PBO Dashboard and required Reports are not present, follow the instructions below to create them.
Items to create:
5 Reports
1 Dashboard with 8 components
The Reports
Report 1: Average Revenue by ClosePlan
Report 2: Average Revenue by FY
Report 3: ClosePlan Adoption by FY
Report 4: Win Rates
Report 5: Win Rates by ClosePlan
Report 1: Average Revenue by ClosePlan
Report Parameters Overview
Standard Report Type: Opportunities
Name: Average Revenue by ClosePlan
Save to: ClosePlan Package Reports
Groups, Columns and Filters
Close Date (Grouped Quarterly)
ClosePlan Adoption (Bucket Column)
Owner Role
Opportunity Owner
Account Name
Opportunity Name
Fiscal Period
Amount (Sum and Average)
NOTE: Amount is a Standard Field, Orgs may have a custom Field to represent the true 'Amount' of an Opportunity. Ensure the correct ‘Amount’ Field is used!
Expected Revenue (Sum and Average)
Probability % (Average)
Age (Average)
Created Date
Lead Source
CP: Has Deal
Summary Formula Columns
ClosePlan Adoption (Summary formula)
Show Me: All Opportunities
Close Date: All Time
Opportunity Status: Closed
Probability: All
Stage: equals Closed Won
Close Date: equals LAST 11 QUARTERS
Report 2: Average Revenue by FY
Report Parameters Overview
Standard Report Type: Opportunities
Name: Average Revenue by FY
Save to: ClosePlan Package Reports
Groups, Columns and Filters
Fiscal Year
ClosePlan Adoption (Bucket Column)
Owner Role
Opportunity Owner
Account Name
Opportunity Name
Fiscal Period
Amount (Sum and Average)
NOTE: Amount is a Standard Field, Orgs may have a custom Field to represent the true 'Amount' of an Opportunity. Ensure the correct ‘Amount’ Field is used!
Expected Revenue (Sum and Average)
Probability % (Average)
Age (Average)
Close Date
Created Date
Lead Source
Report 3: ClosePlan Adoption by FY
Report Parameters Overview
Standard Report Type: Opportunities
Name: ClosePlan Adoption by FY
Save to: ClosePlan Package Reports
Groups, Columns and Filters
ClosePlan Adoption (Bucket Column)
Close Date (Grouped Quarterly)
Account Name
Opportunity Name
Amount (Sum and Average)
Show Me: All Opportunities
Close Date: All Time
Opportunity Status: Any
Probability: All
Close Date: equals LAST 11 QUARTERS
Report 4: Win Rates
Report Parameters Overview
Custom Report Type: Opportunities with/without ClosePlan
Name: Win Rates
Save to: ClosePlan Package Reports
Note: This report type is a Custom Report Type. If this Report Type is not present in your Org it will need to be created:
Report Type Label: Opportunity with/without ClosePlan
Report Type Name: OpportunityWWOClosePlan
Report Type Category: Opportunities
Click ‘Deployed’
Organize as follows:
A: Opportunities
B: ‘A' Records may or may not have related 'B’ Records
Groups, Columns and Filters
Close Date (Grouped Quarterly)
Opportunity Owner: Full Name
Account Name: Account Name
Opportunity Name
Amount (Sum and Average)
NOTE: Amount is a Standard Field, Orgs may have a custom Field to represent the true 'Amount' of an Opportunity. Ensure the correct ‘Amount’ Field is used!
Expected Revenue (Sum and Average)
Probability % (Average)
Age (Average)
Close Date
Lead Source
Scorecard Score %
Summary Formula Columns
ClosePlan Adoption (Summary formula)
ClosePlan Adoption (Bucket Column)
Show Me: All Opportunities under role: CEO
Close Date: All Time
Close Date: equals LAST 11 QUARTERS
Report 5: Win Rates by ClosePlan
Report Parameters Overview
Standard Report Type: Opportunities
Name: Win Rates by ClosePlan
Save to: ClosePlan Package Reports
Groups, Columns and Filters
ClosePlan Adoption (Bucket Column)
Close Date
Owner Role
Opportunity Owner
Account Name
Opportunity Name
Fiscal Period (Grouped Quarterly)
Amount (Sum and Average)
NOTE: Amount is a Standard Field, Orgs may have a custom Field to represent the true 'Amount' of an Opportunity. Ensure the correct ‘Amount’ Field is used!
Expected Revenue (Sum and Average)
Probability % (Average)
Age (Average)
Created Date
Lead Source
Summary Formula Columns
Win Rate (Summary Formula)
Show Me: All Opportunities
Close Date: All Time
Opportunity Status: Closed Won
Probability: All
Close Date: equals LAST 11 QUARTERS
Important Notes on Report Creation
Notes on Components
Custom fields may be used in Client Orgs that do not perfectly correspond to Standard Fields provided by Salesforce indicated in this document. CS and TS must engage with the client to ensure that the right data is being surfaced by the Reports and Dashboards.
Example: Forecast Amounts may be represented in different ways in different fields each with a different Field name in Client Orgs.
Create Bucket Column
ClosePlan Adoption Bucket Column
In the Report, click on Edit on the top right of the page
At the top of the Columns section, click on the down arrow and select Add Bucket Column
In the Modal
Field: CP: Has Deal
Bucket Name: ClosePlan Adoption
Range: <= 0
Bucket: No ClosePlan
Range: > 0
Bucket: ClosePlan
Click Apply
Create Summary Field
ClosePlan Adoption (%)
In the Report, click on Edit on the top right of the page
At the top of the Columns section, click on the down arrow and select Add Summary Formula
In the Modal
Column Name: ClosePlan Adoption
Description: ClosePlan Adoption (%)
Formula Output Type: Percent
Decimal Points: 0
Under General add the formula:
Click Validate to confirm formula is correct
Click Apply
Win Rate
In the Report, click on Edit on the top right of the page
At the top of the Columns section, click on the down arrow and select Add Summary Formula
In the Modal
Column Name: Win Rate
Description: Win Rate %
Formula Output Type: Percent
Decimal Points: 0
Under General add the formula:
Click Validate to confirm formula is correct
Click Apply
Positive Business Outcome Dashboard included in the ClosePlan Package
The ClosePlan - Positive Business Outcomes Dashboard is a preconfigured Dashboard that is included in the ClosePlan Managed Package. It consists of 7 components based on 5 Reports found in the ClosePlan Package Reports Folder:
Average Revenue by ClosePlan
Average Revenue by FY
ClosePlan Adoption by FY
Win Rates
Win Rates by ClosePlan
Are Win Rates Correlated to ClosePlan Adoption?
Report: Win Rates
Close Date
Win Rate
ClosePlan Adoption
Title: Are Win Rates Correlated to ClosePlan Adoption?
Subtitle: Win Rates vs ClosePlan Adoption Rates
Legend Position: Bottom
Are Win Rates Correlated to ClosePlan Completion?
Report: Win Rates
Close Date
Win Rate
Average Scorecard Score%
Title: Are Win Rates Correlated to ClosePlan Completion?
Legend Position: Bottom
Do Opportunities with ClosePlan Win More Often?
Report: Win Rates by ClosePlan
ClosePlan Adoption
Win Rate
Title: Do Opportunities with ClosePlan Win More Often?
Legend Position: Bottom
Are we seeing higher Revenue deals with ClosePlan?
Report: Average Revenue based on ClosePlan
Close Date
ClosePlan Adoption
Average Amount
Title: Are we seeing higher Revenue deals with ClosePlan?
Subtitle: Average deal size with vs without CP
Legend Position: Bottom
Do Opportunities with ClosePlan Win More Often?
Deal Size
Report: Average Revenue by year
Y-Axis: ClosePlan Adoption
X-Axis: Average Amount
Title: Deal Size
Subtitle: Average Sales Price (ASP)
Is ClosePlan attributed to Closed Won Opportunities?
Report: Average Revenue based on ClosePlan
Close Date
ClosePlan Adoption
Sum of Amount
Sort by: CloseDate
Then Sort by: ClosePlan Adoption
Title: Is ClosePlan attributed to Closed Won Opportunities?
Subtitle: Revenue won with vs without ClosePlan
Legend Position: Bottom
What Percent of Opportunities are using ClosePlan?
Report: ClosePlan adoption by FY
X-Axis: Close Date
Y-Axis: ClosePlan Adoption
Title: What Percent of Opportunities are using ClosePlan?
Add Optional Filters to the Dashboard
On the Dashboard, click Edit in the top right, then click the button: + Filter
Revenue Filter
Select Amount (or the field used for the Opportunity Amount in the Org)
Display Name: Revenue (or as desired)
Add Filter Values as desired
Click Save
Unable to view Dashboard
Error Message:
The running user for this dashboard doesn't have permission to run reports. Your system administrator should select a different running user for this dashboard.
Go to the Dashboard and on the right side down arrow, select Edit
Change the ‘View Dashboard As’ to ‘Me’ (Or as desired)
Note: This issue is likely caused when the Authentication User for the ClosePlan App is no longer Active in the Org.
Note: It is possible that the Dashboard will have lost its components and be empty. In this case, open a Support Case at
Grant Login access to your Org so that Technical Success can rebuild the PBO Dashboard
View Dashboard As Value definitions:
You’re the dashboard creator, and Users see data in the dashboard according to your access to data.
Example: If you can see opportunities only in Canada, the dashboard viewer only sees data about opportunities in Canada.
Another person
The dashboard viewer sees data in the dashboard according to the data access level of the person that you specify.
Example: If you choose someone who can see opportunities from any country, the dashboard viewer sees data about opportunities from all countries.
The dashboard viewer
The dashboard viewer sees data based on their own access to data. This type of dashboard is called a dynamic dashboard because it changes based on the viewer’s privileges.
Let dashboard viewers choose whom they view the dashboard as
To enable viewers with appropriate user permissions to choose who they view the dashboard as, select Let dashboard viewers choose whom they view the dashboard as. If the viewer has View My Team’s Dashboards permission, they can view the dashboard as themselves or as anyone beneath them in the role hierarchy. If the viewer has View All Data permission, they can view the dashboard as anyone.
Click Save, and from the Dashboard Builder, click Save again.
When a User opens your dashboard, they see data as the person that you specified.