1.238 - 1.244 Change Highlights
Version 1.244
Scorecard: Non-Collapsing Scorecard header
Added ability to decide if scorecard header should auto-collapse or not based on mouse hover
If enabled (default), Scorecard Summary Header will expand on mouse hover and collapse on mouse out
If disabled, header will stay opened all time
Available for both Account and Opportunity Level
Version 1.243
Account Planning: PDF Export (BETA)
Invocable from Account Record Page or from specific Account Plan
Opening from Account Record Page automatically opens current active plan. If there is more than one, user is prompted to select.
NOTE: Export uses standard Print to PDF functionality, direct download is not supported
Scorecard: Annexes
Allows to add additional resources to Scorecard Question (Hyperlinks only at the moment)
Available for both Account and Opportunity Scorecard
This feature is disabled by default. Steps to enable:
Enable Annexes under Admin > Environment > Scorecard tab
For existing installations, make sure to init Permission Set configuration again for any already configured License type. If all available already configured, Configure All can be used to update all at once.
Version 1.242
Scorecard Template improvements
Scorecard Summary Header
Summarizes current template setup in terms of categories and scores
Provides quick focus/scroll to if Category is clicked
New Question dialog which replaced original inline variant
Ability to quick-add Question directly to given Category instead of searching the Category Lookup field.
Import Users feature
Provides ability to import ClosePlan users based on CSV file
CSV specifies list of usernames and access level (scopes) they should receive
Available scope values can be found in the documentation (link in the dialog).
Multiple scope values are separated by a space
A sample file can be downloaded directly from the import dialog
Misc Improvements
Ability to rename Account Plan modules
Note: Changes might be propagated with delay. To see changes immediately, log-out from Salesforce and log-in again.
Ability to set the ClosePlan Maintenance Flags
It is mainly used to provide support and additional debug options within Subscriber Organization.
Maintenance flags can change behavior or enable per-component client-side debug statements.
Applies to current user only, other users are not affected.
CSV Parser format updates
All CSV uploads can now have any valid format ie: separator symbol (';',','tab), With/Without value quotation, …)
As a result, CSV can be created in various table processors (Excel, Word,…, SFDC Report CSV download).
Version 1.238.x
Account Planning: Create Follow-Up
Allows to create follow-up for existing plan, if it meets conditions
Automatically uses the same template and sets the next period in line (ie: FY2022 Q1 => FY2022 Q2)
Allows to take over content from the existing plan as defined in Follow-up options
Existing Plan can have only one follow-up
People.ai API Connection
Configuration is available automatically if People.ai Full package is installed
Requires P.AI instance (Web App) where API keys are generated
Simply follow the steps in the configuration dialog
Note: Remote site configuration can be skipped if the same endpoints are already registered
When activated, additional P.AI features like Stakeholder Insights will be enabled for users
Relationships People.ai Stakeholders Insights
Misc Improvements
Record Create From: View Picklist Dependencies
Allows to easily understand picklist fields dependencies, no matter where are fields located in the layout
Allows to set values to all dependent fields in one go