Local deployment
- Install minimum require package
- Git clone https://github.com/people-ai/people-ai-website
- Run in the theme folder `lando start`. This command creates Docker containers similar to Pantheon with Nginx, cache, Redis, Solr, etc., and config them. Use `lando config` to see their configuration.
- Create `lando.env` and fill them, the example provided in a repo `example.env`
- Run in the root folder `lando composer install` to install php dependencies and WP plugins
- Go to the theme folder `~/themes/people` and run `composer install && yarn install`
- Run in the theme folder `yarn run build`
- Run in the root folder `lando pull` and chose `live` server. This command will copy the database and all uploads folder to the local environment.
- Run in the root folder `lando restart`
Deploy to the Pantheon
Documentation (deploy via the CircleCi + Dashboard): Pantheon Deploy
Documentation (deploy via Lando): Lando Docs
You have a few options for deploying your code to the Pantheon.
- Merge your code from the feature branch to master, after that CicleCi will automate build the project and deploy them to Pantheon Dev. Then you should go to the Pantheon Dashboard and deploy code `dev->test→live`.
- As an option, you can use `lando push`, via that you can push DB, code, and uploads data to any server and git.
- You can use Pantheon Multidev, for that create a feature branch and define env via Pantheon Dashboard Multidev.
Deploy to the Pantheon Multidev
Documentation: Pantheon Multidev
Create a feature branch at Git and push it to the repo. Go to Pantheon Dashboard→Multidev and enable an instance for the branch. When the branch will be ready, use Git flow to finish the feature.
, multiple selections available,