Website Develop Guide

Website Develop Guide

This document describes requirements for tools, style structure, and how should be built and support the website design.


  • Design
    • Figma
  • Code Tools:
    • SCSS
    • Webpack
    • HTML template preprocessor (like blade etc.) 
    • Yarn

Good WordPress boilerplate theme with correct structure https://roots.io/sage-9/

Design methodology: Aatomic Design Methodology


Major points:

  • research current website, define week places and goals
  • build a prototype in Figma or another prototype builder
  • build base styles and pages
    • A designer must provide and support a style guide page where will be described common elements, scaffolding, base widgets, and feature pages should be based on this style guide. Old pages must mutate views with a style guide.
    • After the implementation design and style guide in Figma, the developer should realize the style guide in code. It means The website must have the protected a page where will be rendered all widgets, buttons, etc. with description, MAN. (Good example it is Bootstrap documentation).

Style folder structure-based.

themes/current_theme/ # → Root of your Sage based theme
└── resources/ # → Theme assets and templates
└── assets/ # → Front-end assets
├── config.json # → Settings for compiled assets
├── build/ # → Webpack and ESLint config
├── fonts/ # → Theme fonts
├── images/ # → Theme images
├── scripts/ # → Theme JS
└── styles/ # → Theme stylesheets
├── common(core) # → Fonts, global styles, variables, base scaffolding
├── mixins # → Custom mixins and functions

├── components # → Buttons, Link etc. base elements
├── widgets # → Base widgets like section, modal, forms, header, footer etc.
├── layouts # → Page layouts based on widgets with uniques styles for page
└── layout_name # → Folder with layout styles
├── widgets(blocks) # → Unique layout widgets or overwtires of common widgets
└── layout_name.scss # → layout with imported layuot widgets
├── lib # → Imported styles from npm packages and their overrides
└── main.scss # → Main file where imported all files (mixins, node modules, lib, core, components, widgets, layouts)

CSS classes names

CSS classes must be named with a sense of content and completeness. For example: .product-card, .product-card-logic_elem, .btn.btn-small.btn-success, etc.

Almost the same style as in BEM. Blocks are .block, elements are .block__elem, but modifiers are .block-modifier_name instead of .block_property_value.

tag  ID in camel case #teamListForm

Cascade usage

Allowed for:

  • To define a context. E. g. a block should look differently on light and dark backgrounds: it can be achieved using a modifier or a cascade (adding context class to body tag or parent block).

.logo { color:saddlebrown; }

.page-about .logo { color:ghostwhite; }

  • To use semantic classless tags in user-generated content (articles, comments, etc.).

.text ul {}

.text p {}

  • (Very rarely) when you are sure, you will never put a nested block with the same tag.

.social-button i { /* Icon */ }

<div class="social-button"><i></i></div>


Kind of OOCSS. It’s a normal block but intended to extend another (primary) block, to add some look or behavior.




It’s like a modifier, but you can use it with any block or element. Very useful in JavaScript.





It would help if you didn’t use CSS classes used to style content to select elements in JavaScript. (Except states.)





Don’t imply any semantics. Use it for appearance only.

<div class="header">

    <div class="header-i"> </div>



  1. Preferred classes order in HTML: blocks, mixins, JS-hooks, states:
<div class="upload-files scrollable js-files is-hidden">

Single tag structure


  • tagname.scss (root styles, Imports all styles files)
  • widgets folder (style files per widget)
folder width tag styles specific for that tag and wrapped in the tag selector
widgetsfolder with tag widgets files that included to main.tag. All widgets have unique styles files in the tag styles folder that are included in the tag
main.tagroot tag file

Style properties order

  1.  content
  2.  z-index
  3.  position
  4.  top
  5.  right
  6.  bottom
  7.  left
  8.  overflow
  9.  float
  10.  display
  11.  visibility
  12. opacity
  13.  width
  14.  height
  15.  margin
  16.  padding
  17.  border
  18.  outline
  19. box-sizing
  20.  list-style
  21.  background
  22.  font
  23.  line-height
  24.  text
  25.  letter-spacing
  26.  white-space
  27.  transition
  28.  animation
  29.  color
  30.  cursor
  31.  @include


  • Add method to theme common controller, which will be detecting client device and return optimal image size for fast page loading via wp_get_attachment_image( $attachment_id, $size, $icon, $attr );
  • Integrate WEBP images


To add a new icon to the project use https://icomoon.io/app/


This is a good example of how to build js for the WordPress: https://roots.io/sage/docs/theme-development-and-building/, this method is a part of the Sage boilerplate theme.
The main idea is to build and fire javascript by native body classes, which uniques every page, page entity, etc.


Styleguide: https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/blog/best-practices-designing-custom-fields/

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