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ClosePlan Permission Sets are added distributed automatically when a User is assigned a ClosePlan License in the ClosePlan User Manager.

ClosePlan Permission Sets are:

  • ClosePlan


  • : Sales Cloud User

  • ClosePlan: Sales Cloud Aux

  • ClosePlan: Sales Cloud User


  • Service Cloud User

  • ClosePlan: Service Cloud Aux

  • ClosePlan: Platform User

  • ClosePlan: Platform Aux

  • ClosePlan: Admin User

  • NOTE: Available permission sets may differ based on Salesforce Licenses and ClosePlan configuration.

Permission Sets can be divided into the following groups:

Managed Permission Sets

Managed Permission Sets are shipped with the app (ie: SalesCouldUser. permission set)

ClosePlan Permission Sets

  1. Provide Field Level Permissions (FLS) for ClosePlan Objects

  2. Provide CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) permissions for most ClosePlan Objects

    1. Permission for objects with Master-Detail connection to standard SFDC objects like Opportunity, cannot be packaged (SFDC policy) (See Auxiliary Permission Sets)

Auxiliary Permission Sets:



Permission Sets are created in Subscriber orgs


through CP Admin (after-install steps; ie: SalesCouldAux)

  1. Provides

    Provide CRUD

    permission for excluded objects in managed

    permissions for ClosePlan Objects which cannot be packaged in the Managed Permission Sets.

  2. Provides FLS

    Can also provide some additional field level permissions for fields created

    in the Subscriber Org (e.g.

    ad-hoc in your Organization.

    1. Example: Whitespace Custom Attributes).

Permissions are also divided per SFDC License:

As different Licenses provide access to different sets of objects (e.g.: Platform has only basic CRM objects, while Sales Cloud also has Opportunities.)

  • Sales Cloud - Permissions linked with Salesforce Sales Cloud License

  • Service Cloud - Permissions linked with Salesforce Service Cloud License

  • Platform - Permissions linked with Salesforce Platform License

  • Standalone Admin User permission set , which - can be assigned to User’s Users with any SFDC License

ClosePlan User Management:

  • Correct permission sets are assigned to users automatically when a ClosePlan License is assigned

  • Automatically ClosePlan Permission Sets are automatically removed if the ClosePlan license is deactivated or user if the User is deactivated.


  • ClosePlan Permission sets provide access to ClosePlan Objects only.

  • ClosePlan Permission sets do NOT provide access to Standard Objects (Account, Opportunity)

  • ClosePlan Admin Users require certain Salesforce permissions in order to do certain actions such as:

    • Manage users in CP Admin - requires at least Manage Permissions Sets permission

    • Create ClosePlan fields, Manage picklist values, etc - requires Customize App permission - aka System Admin profile.
