Versions Compared


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Comment: diagram "scorecard.drawio" edited

Table of Contents


  •  - Indicates the type of question (See Symbols chart below)
  •  - Allows you to add help text related to the question. Click on the icon to add your text. 
  •   - Shows the score value for relevant question and answer
  •   -  Move  questions up and down in the category or move answers up and down in the relevant question. 
  •  - Edit the question or answer.
  •  - Sync settings. Synchronizes the question with Opportunity or ClosePlan fields (propagate data to the Opportunity or Reports)
  •  - Remove the question or answer.


  • Text 
    • Used when text answers are required, where the user posts the answer as plain text. Such questions are scored with predefined score value if the answer is provided. If no answer is provided, the score is 0.
  • Rich Text
    • Used when a text answer is required and Rich Text is preferred.  Rich Text answers are formatted with WYSIWYG functionality.
  • Scoring - Answers are score based on User’s subjective decision under min/max limit. 
  • Yes/No -  Users provide simple  Yes / No answer to the related question. If no answer is provided, the score is 0. Yes/No answers can also have an additional text answers provided by the use
  • Yes-No with Answers - User answers are combination of Yes-No and Answers type. If Yes is answered, the user will be also prompted to select an answer from the list. If the User answers No, the answer list will not appear. The score value is added only if the users provides a Yes answer and also selects a text answer from the list.  Test answers can be single or multi-select answers.
  • Answers - Answers must be defined together with a score value. Possibility to choose single- or multi-select answers.  
    • Single Select - only one answer may be selected,
    • Multi-Select -  one or more answers may be selected
  • Field - Sets data from opportunity fields that will be promoted to the question. Users can then continue to work with the answers.  Field answers can also have additional text answers provided by the User
  • Contact Tracking - Contact Tracking questions assign relevant Contacts to the Opportunity Deal directly in the Scorecard question

Symbols Used

    Sign              Type of question

Question with User Scoring

Free Text Answer 

Rich Text Answer

Single-Select Answer

Multi-Select Answer

Yes/No Single-Select Answer

Yes/No Multi-Select Answer


Yes/No free Text-Answer option


Field free Text-Answer option
Contact Tracking


Result - User view in Scorecard: 

Unanswered Question:

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Answered Question: 

Image Modified

Add Answer into the Question


Individual data can be propagated on the Opportunity layout or in the Reports

Settings are made to the template from which you want to propagate data. If there are multiple templates (or multiple versions), you need to set up sync for each template (versions) from which data will be propagated.

To assign the sync, the custom fields on the Opportunity or ClosePlan need to be created. To propagate data to the Opportunity layout, the custom fields need to be created on the Opportunity. 

Category Sync Setting

  • Go to Templates > open the Template from which you want to propagate data.
    • Note: if there is more than 1 template or template version, and would you like to have data from every template or version, you must set the sync in each template/version.
  • Go to Scorecard > click the Category Sync settings  icon


  • Save
  • Repeat steps to set sync for other categories 

Result on the Opportunity Layout:


Question Sync setting

  • Go to Templates > open the Template from which you want to propagate data.
    • Note: if there is more than 1 template or template version, and would you like to have data from every template or version, you must set the sync in each template/version.
  • Go to Scorecard > click the Question Sync settings  icon

         Image Modified

  • Select the Target Object from which the values will be propagated (Opportunity or ClosePlan)

         Image Modified

  • Select other values for individual fields from which you would like to propagate data and Save - The values must match!
    • Note: If you don't have relevant fields on the Opportunity to propagate the data, you need to create them. 

         Image Modified

  • Target Object - States to which object the values will be propagated (Opportunity or ClosePlan). If none is selected, fields sync will be entirely disabled.  Select the object from where you created the Question field.
  • Primary Value Field - States to which field the value will be propagated 
  • Secondary Value Field - States to which field the second value will be propagated. This field is for yes/no question with single or multi select answers and yes/no free text answers.  
  • Score Field - Propagates the score number of the question.
  • Score % Field - PropagateS the score in % 
  • Answer - Shows set answers for a question with the possibility to set the sync data propagation on the Opportunity
  • Picklist Value - Shows the set value for a selected answer
  • Text Answer Field - Shows the added text to the answer

Type of Question Sync settings


SignQuestion TypeSync Setting Data type field

Question with User Scoring

Score Field - number

Score % Field - percent

Free Text Answer 

Primary Value Field - text

Score Field- number

Score % Field - percent

Single-Select Answer

Primary Value Field - single picklist

Score Field - number

Score % Field - percent

Picklist Value - set picklist value for the field selected in Primary Value Field

Text Answer Field - text

Multi-Select Answer

Primary Value Field - multi picklist

Score Field - number

Score % Field - percent

Picklist Value - set picklist value for the field selected in Primary Value Field

Text Answer Field - text

Yes/No Single-Select Answer

Primary Value Field - single picklist yes/no

Secondary Value Field - single picklist for answers values

Score Field - number

Score % Field - percent

Picklist Value - set picklist value for the field selected in Secondary Value Field

Text Answer Field - text

Yes/No Multi-Select Answer

Primary Value Field - single picklist (yes/no)

Secondary Value Field - multi picklist (for answers value)

Score Field - number

Score % Field - percent

Picklist Value - set picklist value for the field selected in Secondary Value Field

Text Answer Field - text


Primary Value Field - single picklist (yes/no)

Score Field - number

Score % Field - percent

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Yes/No free Text-Answer option

Primary Value Field - single picklist (yes/no)

Secondary Value Field - text 

Score Field - number

Score % Field - percent

Example of Question with single select answer sync settings:

I would like to propagate question values on the Opportunity layout with these fields:

  • Name of the Question
  • Number of score for selected answer 
  • % Score of the question
  • Selected answer
  • Additional added text to the answer

If you don't have relevant fields on the Opportunity to propagate the data, you need to create them. 

Target Object: Opportunity

Primary Value Field: Name of the question 

Score Field: Number of score for selected answer

Score % Field: Question scoring in % 

Picklist Value: Set picklist for the name of the question. Selected answer will show the picklist value on the Opportunity. 

Text Answer Field: Additional added text to the answer from the user

Sync settings in admin:

Selected answer for the sync question from the user in the Scorecard: 
