Business Units Default
Business Units are the units of a company to which you want to sell your products and services.
Business Units can be areas, regions, divisions, or other individual units inside a company. Your Customer Success Manager can help answer any questions you might have.
Note: Creating and editing Business Units requires the User to be a System Admin with Customize Application permission.
To access the list of Default Business Units go to ClosePlan Admin > Default Business Units
Add Business Units
Business Units can be added from a deployed Account Plan Template or can be added into the structure of an Account Plan Template from the ClosePlan Admin Tab
Add Individual Business Unit from a Deployed Template
In the top right of the Whitespace Section in a deployed Template, click on ‘Add Unit’
From the Sidebar enter the relevant information:
Name - Assign the name of the Business Unit
Product Lines - Product Lines are assigned during Template creation.
Enter the status of each Product Line as it relates to the Business Unit
Open - This space is open for competition
Deployed - Your Product or Service is deployed to this Business Unit
Competitive - You are in competition for this Product Line in this Business Unit
Competitor - Your competitor has provided this Product or Service
Metrics - Metrics are assigned during Template creation.
Enter the required information based on the Metrics
Create New Map - Create a New Relationship Map dedicated to this Business Unit for this Account Plan. This will open a new tab to create the Map.
Link Account Map - Link an existing Account Map to this Business Unit for this Account Plan
Add Business Units from the ClosePlan Admin tab
Go to the ClosePlan Admin tab > Business Units Default
Click ‘+ Add’ button
In the pop up Modal, select the Type of Business Unit you want
Type - Select the type of Unit
Group - Groups contain Units (e.g. Group = North America)
Unit - A Unit can stand alone or be part of a group (e.g. Canada can be part of the group North America)
Name - Add the Name of the Business Unit
Description - Add an optional Description
Select Add to add the Unit, Select Add & New to continue adding more Groups and Units
In the above example, North America is the Group, Canada, USA and Mexico are the Items.