Business Units
Business Units are the units of a company to which you want to sell your products and services.
Business Units can be areas, regions, divisions, or other individual units inside a company. Your Customer Success Manager can help answer any questions you might have.
Note: Creating and editing Business Units requires the User to be a System Admin with Customize Application permission.
To access the list of Default Business Units go to ClosePlan Admin > Default Business Units
Add Business Units
Business Units can be added from a deployed Account Plan Template or can be added into the structure of an Account Plan Template from the ClosePlan Admin Tab
Add Individual Business Unit from a Deployed Template
In the top right of the Whitespace Section in a deployed Template, click on ‘Add Unit’
From the Sidebar enter the relevant information:
Name - Assign the name of the Business Unit
Product Lines - Product Lines are assigned during Template creation.
Enter the status of each Product Line as it relates to the Business Unit
Open - This space is open for competition
Deployed - Your Product or Service is deployed to this Business Unit
Competitive - You are in competition for this Product Line in this Business Unit
Competitor - Your competitor has provided this Product or Service
Metrics - Metrics are assigned during Template creation.
Enter the required information based on the Metrics
Create New Map - Create a New Relationship Map dedicated to this Business Unit for this Account Plan. This will open a new tab to create the Map.
Link Account Map - Link an existing Account Map to this Business Unit for this Account Plan
Add Default Business Units from the ClosePlan Admin tab
Go to the ClosePlan Admin tab > Business Units Default
Click ‘+ Add’ button
In the pop up Modal, select the Type of Business Unit you want
Type - Select the type of Unit
Group - Groups contain Units (e.g. Group = North America)
Unit - A Unit can stand alone or be part of a group (e.g. Canada can be part of the group North America)
Name - Add the Name of the Business Unit
Description - Add an optional Description
Select Add to add the Unit, Select Add & New to continue adding more Groups and Units
In the above example, North America is the Group, Canada, USA and Mexico are the Items.
Note: If Default Business Units are included in a ClosePlan, that list of Business Units becomes the standard list for that Account going forward.
Alterations to the Business Units list (e.g. Changes, added or deleted Units) will alter the standard list of Business Units for that Account going forward.