Upgrading ClosePlan

Upgrading ClosePlan

Manual Upgrades

To upgrade to the latest version, follow the same steps as during installation:

  • Request the Installation link from the People.ai team. You can get it from your CS Manager or send an email to support@people.ai
  • You must be a Salesforce System Administrator with Customize Application permission to upgrade ClosePlan. If you are not, please contact your technical support.


In some upgrades, you may be asked for the location of the upgrade.  If so, follow:

  • Choose where you want to install the application and click Install Here
    •  Install in this org = Installation to your Production organization 
    • Install in a Sandbox org = Installation to your Sandbox organization

Continue to the next step

  • Select Install for All Users > click Upgrade
  • Wait until ClosePlan successfully installs.
    • Installation is usually completed in 5-15 minutes but can sometimes take longer. You will receive an e-mail when the installation is complete.
    • NOTE: There may be additional issues which may prevent installation, such as specific configurations in your Salesforce organization. In such cases, please contact Technical Support at People.ai (support@people.ai) and forward any error messages presented during the installation. Best practice is to send a full screen screenshot.

Salesforce uses persistent caching, which may prevent new changes from being applied instantly or may even present temporary errors until the session is refreshed.

This behavior can be solved by temporarily turning persistent caching OFF:

  • Go to Setup > in the Quick Find box enter Security > find Session Settings and open it
  • Find the section: Caching. Disable: Enable s 
  • Click Save 
  • Refresh ClosePlan and continue with New Version Upgrade

    After completing the upgrade, remember to reactivate Enable s

Automatic Upgrades

Automatic upgrades are governed by People.ai and are pushed to Clients under the following situations:

  • Client agrees to automatically receive the latest version upgrades.
  • Client approves new version install when requested.

Minor version upgrades are usually done automatically after version release.

Minor versions are restricted in terms of content by Salesforce and cover hot-fixes or impact-free updates.

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