
1. Maintenance

Recalc ClosePlan Rollups

If you see anomalies in Report data, you can recalculate ClosePlan Rollup Fields. 

Recalc ClosePlan Sharing

If Users are unable to access all ClosePlan Events as members of a Team, you can recalculate ClosePlan sharing.

Delete Context Metadata

Warning: This function is intended ONLY for uninstallation or intentional Cleanup of ClosePlan.  Configuration data WILL be deleted.

Use with caution!

Clicking on Delete Context Metadata will delete all ClosePlan metadata in your organization and will return ClosePlan to default settings. 



2. Trigger Settings

APEX Triggers are executed during DML operations (i.e. inserting or updating a record) for sObjects that have triggers defined by this application.

Trigger Settings allows you to temporarily disable triggers or change the behavior for entire organization. This functionality can be used during debugging, or if it is necessary to run some asynchronous jobs and provide as many resources as possible, such as CPU time.
By default, all settings are unchecked. Use with caution.


3. Package Upgrade Behavior

Permit or deny permission to have the Org automatically upgraded to new versions.


4. Misc

Manage Flags functionality provides the ability to tweak some behavior for the running User only. It is mainly intended for debugging purposes.