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ZoomInfo Integration Setup for RelationshipMaps


What Is Included? & ZoomInfo Integration Setup for RelationshipMaps

This document summarizes the integration and configuration steps to make ZoomInfo available in Relationship Maps inside of the Closeplan application.

Prerequisites for Integration

  1. Closeplan Version 1.275 or greater must be installed

  2. Closeplan Relationship Map licenses must be assigned to the relevant users

  3. ZoomInfo SalesOS licenses must be assigned to the relevant users

  4. ZoomInfo Enterprise API SKU

  5. Custom fields for ZoomInfo IDs (see this section)


Important: As of May 2024, the ZoomInfo API does not support SSO login.

Setup Named Credentials in Salesforce

  1. A user with customized application permission is required to complete this integration.

  2. Go to Setup and search “Named Credentials”

  3. Click the drop down arrow next to the “New” button and click “New Legacy

    1. Create a new Legacy Named Credential & enter these exact details:

      1. Label: ClosePlan ZoomInfo Service

      2. Name: ClosePlanZoomInfoService

      3. URL:

      4. Identity Type: Per User

      5. Auth. Protocol: No Authentication (The auth. will happen on per user basis later on)

      6. Uncheck ‘Generate Authorization Header’

      7. Check ‘Allow Merge Fields in HTTP Body’

    2. Review the settings to ensure they are entered correctly and click Save

  4. Confirm that ‘Named Credentials are properly configured’ has a green check mark next to it in the Integrations tab (ClosePlan Admin > Environment > Integrations)

  5. Activate the toggle on the ZoomInfo integration

  6. Validate the integration is configured by opening up a relationship map inside of an Account.
    The ZoomInfo tab will appear in the sidebar.

Create Fields if ZoomInfo Package is not Installed


If the ZoomInfo package is installed OR you already have created custom fields for ZoomInfo IDs, you can skip this step.

If ZoomInfo is not installed and you have not created any custom fields for ZoomInfo, please create the following fields on the Account & Contact objects.


  1. ZoomInfo Company ID

    1. Field Label: ZoomInfo Company ID
      API Name: ZoomInfoCompanyId__c
      Type: Text(30), External ID, Unique, Case Insensitive


  1. ZoomInfo Contact ID

    1. Field Label: ZoomInfo Contact ID
      API Name: ZoomInfoContactId__c
      Type: Text(30), External ID, Unique, Case Insensitive

  2. Zoominfo Company ID

    1. Field Label: ZoomInfo Company ID
      API Name: ZoomInfoCompanyId__c
      Type: Text(30), External ID, Case Insensitive

Check and Update Permissions for ZoomInfo Fields

For all scenarios, if you have existing fields from the ZoomInfo package, had existing custom fields created for ZoomInfo, or you just created the fields mentioned in the above step you will need to ensure that all Salesforce users that will leverage the integration have read & edit field level access on these ZoomInfo fields.

If not, update the fields to give read & edit field level access to all relevant users for the integration.

Field Mapping ZoomInfo custom fields in Closeplan Admin


If you have installed the ZoomInfo managed package and HAVENOT created any custom ZoomInfo fields, this step can be skipped

If you have installed the ZoomInfo managed package and HAVE created custom ZoomInfo fields (instead of using fields from the managed package), those fields must be mapped.

  • Field Mapping can be used to override ZoomInfo fields to your local fields.
