Table of Contents |
The Playbook enables you to create Events with or without Stage Auto-Progression, Events Dependencies and Checklist items.
Checklist items are tasks that Users complete. If you mark a checklist item as required, the User must complete the task before the event can be closed.
Note: Users are able to Add / Edit / Delete Checklists in Playbook.
- Click
- Enter the subject of checklist item
- If required, tick the REQ. box
- Click the button and if needed, continue creating checklist items
- Individual tasks can be edited, deleted or reordered
- To reorder tasks, simply drag individual tasks to the desired position
- Save the checklist
Required = Event can be closed only after the Event upon which it is dependent is completed and closed.
Not Required = Event can be closed without completing or closing the Event upon which it is dependent.
- Click on the Event name to open the event
- Go to Dependency tab and click on Add dependency
- Select a target event and mark if the target event will be required as completed in order to complete this Event
- Save
- Add additional dependencies if needed and Save
- Toggle Sidebar - Toggles visibility of the Sidebar.
- Switch view between days and months.
- Scroll buttons - Scroll the Gantt area to Start, left, right or to the End
- Export data as Excel, PDF, Image or MS Project
- Add a new Event
- Event Stage - click to hide Events from view.
- Dependency button - hover over the event corner > click the button and drag the dependency line to the desire event.
- Event Bar - Double click to open the Event, hover over the event bar corner to extend or shorten the event bar, click 1x to move the event right or left
- Not required dependency (grey)- to delete it click 2x on the dependency line and click Delete.
- Required dependency (orange) - to delete it click 2x on the dependency line and click Delete.
Individual data can be propagated on the Opportunity layout or in the Reports.
Settings are made to the template from which you want to propagate data. If there are multiple active templates, you need to set up sync for each template from which data will be propagated.
To assign the sync, the custom fields on the Opportunity or ClosePlan Object need to be created. To propagate data to the Opportunity layout, the custom fields need to be created on the Opportunity Object.
- Go to Templates > open the Template from which you want to propagate data.
- Note: if there is more than 1 template activated, and would you like to have data from every active template, you must set the sync in each template.
- Go to Playbook > click the Event Sync settings icon